Arboreal Images
Wednesday 2 Nov 2022: 18:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 2 Nov 2022: 18:00 - 20:00
Photographs and other findings from the trees of Stromovka, Prague 7.
An ephemeral exhibition beginning and ending on the evening of All Souls, in the transitional space of Sklaad, in the basement of Malířská 9, Praha 7
Solo exhibition. Curatorial assistance from Jo Blin.An ephemeral exhibition beginning and ending on the evening of All Souls, in the transitional space of Sklaad, in the basement of Malířská 9, Praha 7

Installing Arboreal Images, 1 Nov 2022.
Thursday 10 Sept - Friday 25 Sept 2020:
15:00 - 19:00 at Obejvák Project Space, Lihovarská 12, 190 00 Praha
Curator of joint exhibition and showing own work (see here) at "ISODRIFT".
Exhibition guide.
Thursday 10 Sept - Friday 25 Sept 2020:
15:00 - 19:00 at Obejvák Project Space, Lihovarská 12, 190 00 Praha
Curator of joint exhibition and showing own work (see here) at "ISODRIFT".
Exhibition guide.
Also exhibited were photographs by Andrés Aranda (MX), Christian Cuno (AU), Craig McNulty (GB), Juli (IT), and Miroslav Slapka (SK). The "vernissage" on Thursday 10 Sept. from 7pm to 10pm featured live music by Autopoetik

Nearing end of installation on Thursday 10 Sept.
A platform for artists reflecting on experience and events in quarantine times, established in April 2020 and curated by Robert Carrithers, Hagai Segev, Jo Blin and Michael J. Rowland.
In Room Two - appearing on 21 May 2020 - you will find a stage of Metamorphosis (the First Edition theme for the open call to artists; the Second Edition theme maintained the Kafkaesque tenor with "Description of a Struggle" - my wrestle with this is Unfinished Landscape, unfinished in time for the ring of the bell on 15 June 2020). The Third Edition is on the theme "Amerika".
In Room Two - appearing on 21 May 2020 - you will find a stage of Metamorphosis (the First Edition theme for the open call to artists; the Second Edition theme maintained the Kafkaesque tenor with "Description of a Struggle" - my wrestle with this is Unfinished Landscape, unfinished in time for the ring of the bell on 15 June 2020). The Third Edition is on the theme "Amerika".



Friday 30 Nov - Sunday 22 Dec 2019:
Tues-Sun 14:30 - 19:30 (Sun 1 Dec 09:00 - 19:30; opening Fri 30 Nov from 19:00)
Obejvák is holding an Art & Design Pop-Up Shop showcasing a collection of local designers and fine artists: a selection of photographs from "Looking to See" will be displayed and for sale.
Tues-Sun 14:30 - 19:30 (Sun 1 Dec 09:00 - 19:30; opening Fri 30 Nov from 19:00)
Obejvák is holding an Art & Design Pop-Up Shop showcasing a collection of local designers and fine artists: a selection of photographs from "Looking to See" will be displayed and for sale.
The pop-up will begin on Saturday 30.11 as part of Předvánoční Plný Block vol. XI in VNITROBLOCK in Holešovice, and runs until 22.12

Above: during installation. Below: after installation

Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2019, 11am - 7pm
Curator and showing own work at joint exhibition "Looking to See : Six Photographers",
Art&Food ZOOna, U Trojského zámku 4/1, 171 00 Prague. Event page (Facebook).
Curator and showing own work at joint exhibition "Looking to See : Six Photographers",
Art&Food ZOOna, U Trojského zámku 4/1, 171 00 Prague. Event page (Facebook).
Guided tour at 2pm on each of the two days. Exhibition guide.
Online view of exhibited work in situ can be seen here.
Two short videos were also projected at the exhibition: "Karlův most" and "Bench Stories".
Two short videos were also projected at the exhibition: "Karlův most" and "Bench Stories".
Also exhibited were photographs by Andrés Aranda (MX), Craig McNulty (GB), David Wiinikka-Lydon (US), Juli (IT), and Miroslav Slapka (SK).

Art&Food ZOOna entrance opposite the lower parking lot for Prague Zoo Trója. Use the free ferry across the river (replacing the former footbridge) when coming from the Stromovka side of the river.
Having crossed, follow the signs to Art&Food ZOOna (the direction of the zoo).
Having crossed, follow the signs to Art&Food ZOOna (the direction of the zoo).
Trója wine festival (Trojské Vinobraní) took place the same weekend of the exhibition.

Above: reflections from the exhibition.
Thursday 21 July 2016 at 6pm.
Opening of joint exhibition "Temporal Investigations" with Helena Staniszewska,
prepared with the assistance of Johanna Blin.
Obejvák: Shared Art Studio & Community, Prague 9.
Opening of joint exhibition "Temporal Investigations" with Helena Staniszewska,
prepared with the assistance of Johanna Blin.
Obejvák: Shared Art Studio & Community, Prague 9.
Click here to see pictures exhibited in "Temporal Investigations" at Obejvák (with installation views). Here is a short introductory essay to the exhibition. Below is a slideshow of pictures from the preparations for and opening of the exhibition (photographs: KagLoos)
Below is a map showing a route to Obejvák Shared Art Studio (from Kolbenova metro station exit cross the road and follow the frogs painted on the pavement, enter the industrial site just before the tram stop for Poštovská (line 16), then follow signs pointing the way to the studio)